The Graduate


I graduated college last week. 

And frankly, I'm in a tangled knot—of emotions, thoughts, fears, ideas, lost in a land of timelessness and time constraints.

The age-old humdrum of a recent graduate.

Loose-ends of the knot:

*I don’t write enough/ am I even a good writer?

*Will I ever get to travel the way I intend to? Backpacking????? Paris and Thailand?

*If I move away, what will I do without my yoga teacher? (I did, at one point, also say this about my therapist who I no longer need to see but often miss.)

*Theories of attachment—why do my attachments cause me to suffer? Why do my reactions cause me to suffer? Working on listening to the lessons these attachments and reactions are trying to teach me and understanding how the roots of my attachments are meddled with possession and jealousy.

*Will I ever make as much money as I do now doing something I actually love? (Will I need to be a server forever to live the way I want to?)

Observing this from a distance I am realizing (and doing so as I type) that I just need to inhale, pause, and release.

graduated college. There is big magic surrounding me and in among the cool breeze is the promise of a new chapter, a new year, a new age (twenty-four), and new lessons.

Grateful for the moments of clarity that awaken me to the magic around. 

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