Immigration & "Anchor Babies"- Ann Coulter


Immigration & "Anchor Babies"- Ann Coulter 


I found this article addressed to Donald Trump in 2017 that very blatantly expresses systemic oppression and it's effect on American citizens; 

Dear President Donald Trump:
Now that you’ve become our new emperor —I mean 45th president of the United States— I have a confession: I’m an “anchor baby.” Given that you represent the best white hope to “Make America Great Again!,” I’m confessing in exchange for a pardon for my birthright citizenship crime.
Honestly, I didn’t know that being born to Mexican immigrants on work visas violated the law or that pesky little thing called the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. If I would’ve known of your novel interpretation of our Constitution —I mean your Constitution— I would’ve pleaded in my mother’s womb for an abortion. Oh, I forgot, Republicans don’t believe in abortions. Does the GOP make exceptions for brown fetuses? -Alvaro Huerta (who's TedxTalk below about migration is exceptional.) 

With all the surrounding media about Trump and immigration/ migration, it was relevant that my civil rights class watched "El Norte" and, most notably, "Precious Knowledge". It is such an important documentary to watch, especially as an aspiring teacher, but it was also incredibly infuriating. It's beyond my comprehension how white men can take "ethnic studies" courses to be "marxist" and "unAmerican" and then asking these "anchor babies" to forebode their culture because they are here, in America. It's a sickness--a complete and utter illness infecting other white people throughout our nation who cannot, and will not, ever grasp what it's like to be the Other in their own country

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